Top Features

  •  Share and import content

    Each portal can share content pages with other portals in the platform, and can import or associate any type of content, reusing it, whether it is news, events, points of interest, persons or items, optimizing the time and effort required for content management. Portals are also multilingual enabling sharing content within the same language.

  •  Advanced search

    Advanced search supporting searches in different perspectives and complexities, such as content, people, documents, pictures and applications. The results can be organized by filters, category and type, also allowing searches on specific content properties. Search features can be configured on a portal-by-portal basis, allowing search results to be managed for each individual portal.

  •  Free search in all portals

    The search is structured to answer in a personalized and intelligent way. The results are more than a search, are an experience in which the users can choose their own path, due to the potential of its components. The results' visualization is also a distinguishing feature allowing content preview.

  •  Reference Points

    Dynamic searches by geographical area, focused on the intersection of information about places, events, businesses, institutions, cultural and social references, supported by interactive maps. An authentic guide to geo-referencing where information can also be shared.

  •  Resizing images

    Agility and flexibility are SmartPortal’s features providing an advanced experience with image management, which are automatically resized to the required resolutions. It maximizes efficiency, while also improving the editor team’s productivity.

  •  Online branding

    Every different portal can have a different design and user experience, with its own identity and navigation architecture. Different Templates can also be applied for each type of content, selecting pages according to the desired communication and interaction.

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